Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wednesday forays

Lunch break I went wandering....found a great dance music shop in the area - sells only vinyls, plays great techno...think I could get into it

Buying fruit and veg in Mott street. Notice my trusty steed (Marie's bicycle) in the foreground. For some reason all plastic bags in chinatown are red - they're a dead give-away about where you've been shopping...

On the Brooklyn bridge with view of the Manhatten bridge

So here I'm riding downhill with the camera in one hand....

...speeding up...woosh!!! Love it.

Cycling home from work:

.... first to Mott street in Chinatown to buy some fruit &veg (a third of the price), surrounded by stinky fish stalls and other exotic smells.....accumulating loads of red plastic bags of produce ....conveniently dumped into my front bicycle basket........then zig zag through the rush hour traffic to Brooklyn bridge, ...........slowly making my way up the hill...snacking on cherries as I thighs in top gear.....then it levels out and I'm dodging the fast-moving pedestrians and unpredicatable tourists (who step back without looking to get that classic B.Bridge photo).....and prrrrttttt all the way down the hill to the bottom.

Now I'm on some big boulevards going through downtown Brooklyn, heading south, and finally I can duck s-east into the quiet streets of Boerum Hill ......look there's that funny house again with the mirror mosaic facade ...up leafy one way streets.......and across some busy avenues 3rd, 4th....into Union street, past the Food Co-op to pick up the cell phone charger I'd left at Adriana's by mistake......and onto 7th avenue. Finally a quick stop at Key supermarket to buy some beers, where I overheard the following snippets of conversation between two guys talking about their baby's feeding regime: (in serious tone) "yeah - we're moving onto solids now"...(organic only, I presume) ....."the doctor wife is now only breastfeeding for 20 mins".......etc etc. and I chuckle because it is oh so Park slope.......the land of whole food, organic shops, young couples with babies, lesbians, play parks, guys who are seriously involved in raising their kids, and probably the highest recycling rate in NY.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

...or a culinary experience?

Marie, Chris and Vivienne at a favourite haunt- 'Inotheca'. I'm still trying to work out if they always order 2 bottles of prosecco, or if it's just because I'm there (sipping away - merrily....). Nonetheless I have noticed a ritual of head nodding to the head waiter upon arrival, and then klunk! an ice cold bottle appears on the table. Well - I'd say it's a bit of both. Once I've figured out how to post multiple images on this site, you'll get to see the garden side.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Holly Wood & Vine - gardening in Manhatten?

Above: My first day (and lunch) - with Chris, Marie and Natalie at 'Prune'
Here are some of the folk I work with - you can be forgiven for thinking much time & effort is spent having lunch. Marie usually starts musing about the day's food preferences from about 11am....

Luke - planting Blue Dune grass (pronounced 'bloo dooon' grass) in Lenox ave

Marie watering a roof terrace in Soho

Blogging - it's oh so NY

It seems everyone has a blog here. Or maybe it's just Chris and Marie (, not to forget her cat Estorbo (

Whatever it is - self-indulgent or not - it looks like a fun medium and I'm going to give it a whirl. I'm not into writing right now, but here are a couple of pics so long.